[Hackrf-dev] Need a HackRf forum

Ben Gamari bgamari.foss at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 09:32:50 EDT 2014

Marc Péquignot <marc.pequignot at gmail.com> writes:

> All is in the title.
Out of curiosity, what is the appeal of a forum? All of my previous
exposures to fora have given me the impression that they are black holes
for information: search is terrible, there is little-to-no support for
proper threading, 40% of the page area is occupied by inane
"signatures", and the thread abandonment rate is sky-high due to the
opt-in nature of notifications and non-obvious reply
structure. Moreover, it's typically impossible for a non-administrator
to export comments from a forum into a more usable format.

This isn't my call in the slightest, but it seems to me that it would be
better for the health of the community to keep discussion on a
traditional mailing list and avoid fragmenting users into several
less-than-effective media. Lists have been shown to work very well over
thirty years of open-source development in part because of the wealth of
tools for composing, reading, and sorting through list traffic. Fora can
offer very little in this area. Yes, traditional email isn't quite as
shiny as a forum, but it's a far better communication and archival


- Ben

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