[Hackrf-dev] The Direction of the RX LOWPASS FILTER AND RX HIGHPASS FILTER

赵晋洪 zhdiamond at 163.com
Tue Aug 9 05:15:17 EDT 2016

When I see the schematic, I found the U3(LP0603A1880ANTR) - RX LOWPASS FILTER, and u8 (DEA162400HT-8004B1)- RX HIGHPASS FILTER. 
But I found that , the two filter 's have the directional input and output port. 
The TX mode is suitable for the design, because the tx's input connects the filter's input port. For example , the u3 's input port is the pin4, output port is pin1.
But the rx mode is not right. For the rx's input connects the filter 's output port.  for example , the rx signal is from the u5's pin2  -> c18-> u3's pin1, which is for out . 
Was it right? why design like this?

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