[Hackrf-dev] Hackrf Rx sensitivity

Nader Omer st2nh at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 14 18:14:34 EST 2016

Hi Jared
Thanks for reply and info.
Yep I think the problem with wideband front end selectivity.
I intended to use hackrf to tracking satellites.
During the last 12 hours I was trying to received any satellite with all setup configurations ie (amp on and off LAN up or down , preamp on and off changing my cross yagi polarization etc)
I used funcube dongle and rtl with great succes even with my mast preamp . 
For sure I still miss something with Hackrf.Nader/st2nh

      From: Jared Boone <jared at sharebrained.com>
 To: Nader Omer <st2nh at yahoo.com> 
 Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 1:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [Hackrf-dev] Hackrf Rx sensitivity
I only use the "amp" as a last resort, especially in VHF and UHF. The RF amplifier is wideband (1MHz to 6GHz), switched in right after the antenna. If you're near strong signals (e.g. living within 50km of broadcast FM or television stations), the RF amplifier will happily over-amplify those very strong signals and they will splatter across the VHF and UHF regions. I typically use the RF amplifier only with a pre-selector filter, or an antenna built for a specific band or that is highly directional, so I can control how much broadcast garbage gets to my RF amplifier. Otherwise, I rarely use VGA and baseband gains of more than 32dB, each. I'm not sure what your software calls those gain settings, but they're the gain controls just before the second IF and after the baseband filter -- both inside the MAX2837 chip.
I hope that helps,
 - Jared

On Jan 14, 2016, at 14:28, Nader Omer via HackRF-dev <hackrf-dev at greatscottgadgets.com> wrote:
Any issues about hackrf receiving sensitivity ??
I crank up LAN and Amp to upper limit and still I found it very poor in sensitivity compare to other SDR devices.!!!
I used  HF antenna,Yagi Antenna,vertical antenna.
software SDRSHARP. SDR-RADIO and gqrx.
I'm thinking of front end pre-selector ??

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