[Hackrf-dev] cannot talk to more than one hackrf onewithUbuntu14.04

Cinaed Simson cinaed.simson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 00:01:36 EDT 2016

On 03/29/2016 03:56 AM, Trek Liu wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, 
> either way with sudo or not, I got this error, 
> rock at rock-machine:~$ pybombs -p rockprefix install gnuradio gr-osmosdr
> PyBombs.Packager.pip - ERROR - Could not run pip list. Hm.
> PyBombs.Packager.pip - ERROR - Command '['pip', 'list']' returned
> non-zero exit status 2

I agree with Cam - just use PyBOMBS to install gnuradio first.

Then install gr-osmosdr since it has a separate list of dependencies.

I've never used PyBOMBS but the pip list which you posted is a strange
list of dependencies for gnuradio.

And you may have problems checking out the code for gr-osmosdr since in
order to down load the source you need to be able to execute

   git clone git://git.osmocom.org/gr-osmosdr

Enclosed is the PyBOMBS list of dependencies for gnuradio. You can get
all the lists from


The packages may have different names depending upon the OS - and
typically you need the development versions.

- make
- boost
- fftw
- cppunit
- swig
- gsl
- uhd
- alsa
- git
- python
- cheetah
- wxpython
- numpy
- lxml
- pygtk
- pycairo
- cmake
- pyqt4
- pyqwt5
- gcc
- apache-thrift
- liblog4cpp
- zeromq
category: common
  deb: gnuradio-dev
source: git+https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio.git
gitbranch: master
gitargs: --recursive
  config_opt: " -DENABLE_DOXYGEN=$builddocs "
inherit: cmake
configure_static: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$cmakebuildtype
EFIX=$prefix -DENABLE_STATIC_LIBS=True $config_opt
install: |
    make install

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