[Hackrf-dev] Current, reasonably priced external clock?

Mark Lachniet mark at lachniet.com
Thu Nov 3 15:04:50 EDT 2016

Hello all, my apologies for asking a question that I know has been asked 
in months past, but it has been long enough that there might be new 
options, and some of the previous answers seemed more towards 
development than plug-n-play.

I'm very new to SDR (and radio in general) and just learning the ropes.  
I was trying to do a PoC on the GPS spoofing using my HackRF and had 
limited success.  I got my Nuvi to lock in randomly a little bit but no 
real love.  I read that another person needed the external clock in 
order to get good results.  I'd like to buy a simple and inexpensive one 
that is fairly plug-n-play.  Can anyone recommend a specific model and 
vendor to purchase from that doesn't require such tasks as soldering?

I've got a nice long list of other questions but as I'm new and ignorant 
I'll hold onto those for a while on the off chance I can figure them out 
and appear less needy in the long run :)

Thank you for your time and consideration,

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