[Hackrf-dev] HackRF and Raspberry Pi

Chuck McManis chuck.mcmanis at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 14:33:39 EST 2017

I don't think this question, as asked, can be answered. Is the HackRF
and Raspberry Pi signal compatble? Yes they are. Can you plug a HackRF
into the Raspberry Pi and have it recoginize it and talk to it? Yes
you can. Can you do all the things that people do with HackRFs when
using a Raspberry Pi, no you cannot.

You can start that question from the other side though, like "I do <x>
with my HackRF and my current machine, can I swap in a Pi and still do
that?" (probably the answer is "no" unless you are just tuning in FM
radio stations).

So here is my recommendation, you will not be able to do anything
other than tune a wider range of frequencies with a HackRF/Pi
combination than you would with a RTL Dongle/Raspberry Pi. The latter
is about $80 total cost US, the former nearly $500. If you want to
tune ranges outside the RTL dongle's tunable range then build an RF
mixer so that you can use to upconvert (or downconvert) signals
outside of the RTL dongle's range into a frequency it can tune to.
Even a mixer/RTL/Pi combo is going to be cheaper than the HackRF.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Marc Pàmies Massip
<mpamies247 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to ask if it is feasible to use a HackRF with a Raspberry Pi. I
> have seen that some people use both hardware together, but it sounds strange
> to me considering that the minimum sample rate recommended for the HackRF is
> 8 MHz. A Raspberry Pi can support such a high sample rate? Are there any
> other drawbacks to consider if this combination was to be done?
> Thank you in advance.
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