[IPAC-List] selection of international peace keeping officers

Fang Tian fang.tian at rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Mon Sep 20 12:01:51 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I’m looking for information regarding any formalized selection
process of international peace keeping officer in police force or
military. We at RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) are looking to
improve and standardize the selection process of Canadian police
officers applying to go on missions. Currently, in addition to meeting
policing experience and physical fitness requirements, candidates also
go through a medical and psychological ''fitness'' assessment to rule
out vulnerabilities to psychopathology (so that the person meets the
minimum medical profile required for this high-risk duty).

I’m looking for ways to assess candidate’s suitability (in addition
to clinical factors) for international missions (e.g., cognitive
capacity, problem solving, flexibility, cultural sensitivity,
leadership, interpersonal, organizational skills, etc.)

It would be greatly appreciated if anybody can provide any relevant


Fang Tian, Ph.D.
HR Assessment and Research/Recherche et Évaluation en RH
HR Renewal and Management Services/Services de renouvellement et de
gestion des RH
Human Resources Sector/Secteur des ressources humaines
Royal Canadian Mounted Police/Gendarmerie royale du Canada

73 Leikin Dr., M5-2, room 502E
Ottawa, ON
Tel/Tél: (613)843-6147
Fax/Téléc.:(613) 825-8751
Email: fang.tian at rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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