Samantha Paustian-Underdahl spaustia at uncc.edu
Mon Sep 5 09:27:25 EDT 2011

Hi IPAC members,

I am a 4th year PhD student at the University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, and my research is focused on understanding the decision making
processes of individuals who screen, recruit, and/or hire job candidates. I
am working on a research study which consists of a quick (~15 minute) online
survey in which each respondent is presented with 4 fictitious candidate
profiles (which resemble mini-LinkedIn profiles). Each respondent is asked
to rate each fictitious candidate on their suitability for a job.

We would like to have personnel professionals like you complete this survey,
so that the results will be more applicable to real-life recruiting and
hiring settings. Thus, as a member of the International Personnel Assessment
Council, I would like to invite you to click on the link below to complete
this brief survey. Please use Google Chrome or Firefox as your web browser
(IE will not work properly).


Your participation in this research will help inform the academic and
business communities about current trends in recruiting and hiring decision
making processes. If you know of other recruiters, HR professionals, or
hiring managers who may be willing to participate, please forward this
message and link to them as well.

Thank you for contributing to my doctoral research,

Sam Paustian-Underdahl
*Samantha Paustian-Underdahl, M.A.*
Doctoral Candidate, Organizational Science | UNC Charlotte
Instructor- Management | President, OS Graduate Association
Assistant Editor -- Journal of Business and Psychology

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