[IPAC-List] Training and Experience Evaluations

Harry Brull harry at bcgconsultinggroup.com
Wed May 17 17:37:20 EDT 2017

There is an IPMAAC monograph on T&Es. You might try and unearth it. Bottom line, the T&E approach with the highrest validity (I would tend to day the only validity) is the behavioral consistency approach.
My name for it is B&E (Background and Experience Rating form).
It is easily customizable for any particular job and operates on the same pricinciple as behavioral interviewing.
The premise is rewarding accomplishments rather than merely experience or tenure.
It's downside - it requires raters to evaluate it.
This can be an advantage since using a team (imbedding raters in a subset of items) speeds up the process and allows for including diversity in the evaluation process.
I am attaching a samplke; please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need assistance.

Harry Brull

Harry Brull - Senior Partner
BCG Consulting Group
harry at bcgconsultinggroup.com<mailto:harry at bcgconsultinggroup.com>


From: IPAC-List [mailto:ipac-list-bounces at ipacweb.org] On Behalf Of Demooy, Adele
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 1:36 PM
To: 'IPAC-List at ipacweb.org' <IPAC-List at ipacweb.org>
Subject: [IPAC-List] Training and Experience Evaluations

We do not have a lot of experience using training and experience evaluations at the District but would like to consider using a T&E for the selection process for senior level engineers (PEs) in combination with a structured oral test.  If anyone has a sample T&E they could share with me, I would be most appreciative.

Look forward to seeing you in Birmingham.

Adele De Mooy
Employment Manager
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
111 E. Erie
Chicago, IL 60660
(312) 751-5172

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