[IPAC-List] For Joel Wiesen or others...

Richard Joines mpscorp at comcast.net
Wed Jan 20 13:31:15 EST 2021

Hi Joel,

Thanks for posting the mea culpa by the psychiatric community.  Personally, I never had much interest in any of the clinical psych issues covered in grad school or in any of my readings, with the possible exception of Freud's book on the Psychopathology of Everyday Life.  The funny thing is that I didn't read this for a psych class but my Freshman English teacher assigned it because she thought Freud had a really good writing style.  Bless her heart, she was a good one.

I remember when depression was considered a psychosis.  This was long before we started giving drugs to kids to either calm them down or pick them up.  I also remember when schizophrenia was thought to be purely a function of childhood experiences regardless of race or sex or ethnicity.  I wrote what I thought was a really good paper on this subject back in the late 60's.  I remember I had a professor who told me it was not possible for anyone to go into any kind of trance that would reduce their heart rate and their need for oxygen, i.e., it wasn't possible to control the autonomic nervous system.  I asked because I was taking a lot of classes in eastern philosophy so my psych professor told me how dumb this was.  Right.  I felt pretty dumb for having read all those books on Hinduism and Buddhism until it turned out they were right and he was just blowing smoke.

Outside of our field of Industrial/Organization Psychology, the theories in the other areas of psychology have bounced around more than an over-inflated basketball, so I don't try to follow them.  Now, however, I'm wondering if our field is next.  What does the future hold for us?  Will we still be talking about ensuring equal opportunity for all in employment testing in the years to come?

Or do you think I will need to be sent to a re-education camp?

Richard Joines
Management & Personnel Systems, Inc.

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