[IPAC-List] [EXTERNAL] Does anyone offer tests on a cell phone?

Pugliese, Andrew A. - OHR CA3000 HR Data Analyst Andrew.Pugliese at denvergov.org
Fri Aug 12 10:29:30 EDT 2022

Hi Joel,

I work for the City and County of Denver and we offer tests/assessments to be taken on a cell phone, through our testing vendor, SHL. In doing so, we have seen a slight increase in minority participation, and a decrease in the amount of candidates who don’t test. Not everyone has access to a computer/tablet, and some candidates are unwilling to travel to a public library in order to test.

We don’t see any negatives in allowing candidates to test on their phone. Sure, you can make the argument that sitting in front of a quiet computer is likely to produce a better result than taking a test on a noisy bus through your phone – but having the option to test is better than none at all.

It’s a positive for diversity and it has slightly boosted our participation rates.

Hope that helps. Feel free to reach out if you need additional information.


From: IPAC-List <ipac-list-bounces at ipacweb.org> On Behalf Of Joel Wiesen
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2022 7:23 AM
To: IPAC-List <IPAC-List at ipacweb.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [IPAC-List] Does anyone offer tests on a cell phone?


I imagine offering tests on a cell phone might be done in the private sector but not the public.

In any case, does anyone offer tests designed to be taken on a cell phone?

If so, how has it worked out?  Were there unanticipated pros or cons?

Thank you.



"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Letter from a Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963.

- -

Joel P. Wiesen, Ph.D., Director

Applied Personnel Research

62 Candlewood Road

Scarsdale, NY 10583-6040


(617) 244-8859


Continuing Education website (home study of recent journal articles): https://www.aprtestingservice.com/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.aprtestingservice.com/__;!!M87Ej6RJKlw!SB93xiokitIGwbqfrGI1v5pWXKevAE63xiUTFmo0o3FyGDMJKqE7xGRe6cuPWcQIrORi_S3ceL_WhIR5Hfg5AMgiAr7yibv4eS8INA$>

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