[Hackrf-dev] Need a HackRf forum

Michael Ossmann mike at ossmann.com
Wed Aug 27 11:29:26 EDT 2014

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 02:42:37PM +0200, Marc Péquignot wrote:
> Here, we have one single DL, whatever the topic. That's a problem..
> hackrf-dev (if the name has a meaning) was probably the right toll
> during hardware and software *development*.

That was the original intended purpose, but the developers didn't use
it.  Communication among developers was almost entirely on IRC.  At the
time of the HackRF beta program (more than a year ago), I started
inviting people to use the list for other purposes.  I specifically
invited every beta tester to share results here, and it has been more of
a user discussion list ever since.

Since it still isn't a high traffic list, I'm happy with having only one
list.  I'm also happy with the name hackrf-dev because it is a place
where users can ask a question and actually get an answer from a core
developer (although I know that is not the traditional meaning of
"-dev").  It also is a place where development discussion is welcome.

For many months I have been directing people to this list for general
HackRF support and discussion, e.g.:


I have updated the list description to make this clear:



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