[Hackrf-dev] Firmware Update Via Windows

Scott Halligan scott at scan-ne.net
Sun Aug 31 13:17:24 EDT 2014


I just received my HackRF One yesterday and I'm finally getting a chance 
to sit down and use it. I am a Windows user and I was able to install it 
easily using the latest version of Zadig. I've got it working with both 
SDR# and SDR-Console, and obviously have something to learn about 
finding the right balance of gain under various circumstances.

I know there is a new version of firmware available. I have done some 
searching but I'm not finding or I'm missing a guide that shows how to 
do the update using Windows. Forgive my ignorance if I'm missing 
something obvious. I am using Windows 7 32 bit right now but will also 
use the HackRF on a Windows 8 64 bit PC.

Thanks in advance, and regards.

Webmaster - Scan New England
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