[IPAC-List] Proposed IPAC Bylaw Amendment

Blair, Michael [HR] Michael.Blair at sprint.com
Tue Jun 7 14:07:08 EDT 2011

Jeff -

I support this amendment, as I believe it will further collaboration and communication within the assessment community. It may also help to expand/grow the overall IPAC membership. One thing to consider is how we define "organization" for OAB eligibility purposes. You've captured the essence well - "...organizations with purposes and professional principles consistent with those of IPAC", but what constitutes an organization? Is organization broadly defined to include any loose network of assessment professionals or more narrowly defined as a dues paying, written bylaws, formal organization, or somewhere in between? As an example of the in between, take our local KCAPS group. We are a formal group with a membership, regular meetings, a website, etc., but we do not have officers per se, bylaws, or membership dues.

Michael Blair
Manager Recruitment
Network Operations, Wholesale & Recruitment Technology
Office: 913-439-5222/ Wireless: 913-832-6130
michael.blair at sprint.com

-----Original Message-----
From: ipac-list-bounces at ipacweb.org [mailto:ipac-list-bounces at ipacweb.org] On Behalf Of Jeff Feuquay
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 3:46 PM
To: IPAC-List at ipacweb.org
Subject: [IPAC-List] Proposed IPAC Bylaw Amendment

IPAC Members and Friends:

Please consider the proposed amendment to our bylaws printed below, which I've asked the IPAC Board to consider at our June 14 phone meeting. The "organization affiliate" terminology is already in use within APA to designate partner organizations. Your comments and/or suggestions would be appreciated.

Those who've been around awhile will recognize that the proposal echoes the Regional Roundtables that faded away 8 or so years ago. It differs in its being a more formal recognition of the synergism of an interconnected personnel assessment community.

Thank you for any comments and ideas that tighten and improve the proposal .
. . or that demonstrate it's a silly idea resulting from my having too much time on my hands. Your involvement is needed and appreciated.

Jeff Feuquay, IPAC President-elect
ofc: 417-667-5076 cell: 417-549-0997

*Proposed IPAC Bylaw Amendment Providing for an Organizational Affiliate

*to Advance Personnel Assessment through Increased Inter-organizational Cooperation and Collaboration*

¨Yes ¨No Shall the International Personnel Assessment Council
Bylaws be amended to allow the Board of Directors to form an Organizational Affiliate Board, by renumbering the current Article IX - Amendments as Article X, and adding the following as a new Article IX?


The Board of Directors may form an Organizational Affiliate Board ("OAB") comprised of representatives of organizations with purposes and professional principles consistent with those of IPAC. The purpose of the OAB is to facilitate cooperation and coordination between those organizations and IPAC.

*Purpose - *The purpose of the OAB is to foster understanding of shared purpose and to build strong relationships between participating organizations; to coordinate mutual support and to advise the affiliate and IPAC boards of directors of directions and programs which will build the strength and viability of the participating organizations.

*Formation - *The Board of Directors may invite any organization with shared purposes and principles to appoint its president or his/her designee to serve on the OAB. The IPAC President or his/her designee shall serve as a voting ex officio member, and as Chairperson of the OAB.

*Meetings - *Unless the intention of the OAB may be better served otherwise, the OAB shall meet at least quarterly, including once in person at the IPAC annual conference. Other meetings may be by teleconference. Meetings shall be scheduled by the OAB Chairperson for the convenience of the participants, but normally will be shortly before the IPAC Board of Director's meeting so that OAB input can be received and acted upon by the IPAC Board in a timely manner. The Chairperson shall develop the agenda with input from OAB members.

*Transparency -* As much notice as possible shall be given of meetings of the OAB. , and members of participating organizations shall be welcome to attend, although it may be expedient to reserve public comment until a specific portion of the meeting. Other than executive sessions, OAB members are welcome to attend all IPAC Board of Director meetings, during which time will be set aside for OAB member comments.

*Rights and Responsibilities - *Should an organizational representative repeatedly miss or disrupt OAB meetings, the Board of Directors may ask that organization to appoint another representative.

*Mutual Benefit - *The Board of Directors may offer reduced IPAC membership rates to individual members of OAB participating organizations, and shall seek reciprocal reductions for IPAC members. Where the members of an OAB participating organization are organizations themselves, rather than individuals, the IPAC Board of Directors shall seek fair and reasonable alternative arrangements to encourage joint membership.
IPAC-List at ipacweb.org


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