[IPAC-List] Search/Recruiting Firms

Reindl, Kevin K1RQ at pge.com
Wed May 11 12:55:17 EDT 2016

I have not used search firms for filling our assessment/testing professional roles in the past, but your success with the search would depend on what the role does and requires. E.g., if it requires an advanced degree in I/O psychology, psychometrics knowledge, test development and validation, etc., then posting on IPAC, SIOP, and local I/O chapters in your area (I think there is still a Chicago-based I/O group) would be a good start to finding the right person.  As for search firms, I know Campion Services has a recruiting function for I/O psychologists http://www.campion-services.com/recruiting.html.

However, if you are talking about someone to manage test administration, operations, etc. then more general HR management experience is probably more important, so you might use more general HR search firms (although I'm not as familiar with search firms in that broader space)...maybe SHRM, IPMA, etc. are good starts.

Good luck,

Kevin Reindl
Pacific Gas & Electric
Human Resources
Assessments and Organizational Insights
245 Market Street, N2J
San Francisco, CA 94105
Office: 415-973-7013
Mobile: 619-322-3368
k1rq at pge.com<mailto:k1rq at pge.com> or kevin.reindl at pge.com<mailto:kevin.reindl at pge.com>

For more information about our Testing Program, see Testing Intranet Site<http://pgeweb/services/Pages/ServiceDetails.aspx?Group=Administrative&Template=Employment%20Testing&PageTitle=Employment%20Testing>

From: IPAC-List [mailto:ipac-list-bounces at ipacweb.org] On Behalf Of O'Connor, Lindsey
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 8:56 AM
To: IPAC-List at ipacweb.org
Subject: [spam] [dkim-failure] [IPAC-List] Search/Recruiting Firms

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Hi all,

Does or has anyone used a search or recruiting firms to find a testing manager?  If yes, could you share names?  Or if you provide this service, please reach out.


Lindsey N. O'Connor, MBA, PHR, SHRM-CP
Human Resources Representative
City of Milwaukee | Department of Employee Relations | Staffing Services
200 E. Wells Street, Room 706 Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: 414-286-3380 | FAX: 414-286-0203 | TDD:  414-286-2960
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