[IPAC-List] Re-evaluation of Assessment Exercises

Keith Poole keith.poole at phoenix.gov
Wed Mar 8 14:47:43 EST 2017

We audio or video record for our public safety promotional processes.  For the most part they never get watched or listened to after taping.  The few times they are watched, it's usually the day of the process by the raters themselves, because the raters want to be sure what they heard/saw (e.g., two raters are trying to settle what happened).  Our Personnel Rules mostly speak to appeals for written exams, but it does allow for appeal of "examination results" and we have historically at least considered appeals on other parts of the process (e.g. oral board, practical exam).  On a very few occasions, based on an appeal by a candidate, the raters or other subject matter expert has gone back and watched/listened in order to confirm what candidate said/did.  However, I can't really think of a time we changed a rating after doing so; we just try to pick a rater that will have credibility and have them talk to the candidate directly, keeping the explanation verbal as much as possible.  Also to my knowledge, we've never actually released the tape, or even allowed the candidate listen to it in our presence (although I believe Fire has allowed a union member that helped develop parts of the process watch/listen if relevant to their expertise).  I think for the most part, most candidates try not to rock the boat too much, so it doesn't come up a lot.

Keith Poole
Human Resources Supervisor

City of Phoenix | Human Resources - Talent Acquisition
251 West Washington Street, 3rd floor
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Direct 602-262-7140
Fax 602-534-5498
keith.poole at phoenix.gov<mailto:first.last at phoenix.gov>

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From: IPAC-List [mailto:ipac-list-bounces at ipacweb.org] On Behalf Of Klus, Thomas M.
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 11:08 AM
To: ipac-list at ipacweb.org
Subject: [IPAC-List] Re-evaluation of Assessment Exercises

With videotaping candidates becoming a mainstay in our assessments, we are facing greater and greater challenges from candidates regarding their scores on rater-scored exercises. Our Personnel Regulations, shown below, do not allow changes in scores, but pressure is building from candidates to allow "human errors" to be corrected.

Reevaluation of performance-based examinations (including but not limited to practical examinations and assessment centers) shall not be allowed. However, candidates may request an explanation of their performance rating in such exams...

I am curious if other jurisdictions have faced similar problems, and if so, how they may have dealt with the issue of re-evaluations of assessment exercises.

Thomas Klus
Public Safety Test Analyst
Department of Human Resources, Employment Division
Fairfax County Government

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