[IPAC-List] Vendors or assessments for counterproductive work behavior screening

Keith Poole keith.poole at phoenix.gov
Mon Dec 12 11:09:19 EST 2016

Looking for suggestions on vendors and/or assessments to screen for CWB.  I have a customer department (airport) that has struggled with some recent hires.  They've asked about maybe adding an online assessment to help screen candidates.   The type of jobs that seem to be at issue are more blue collar (skilled trades,  labor, maintenance).  The issues they are encountering include sleeping on the job, unauthorized use of city equipment, losing city equipment, attendance, etc.

The volume of hires is probably not that large relatively speaking for the assessment industry, they probably do a couple hundred hires total for the year in this job area, so pricing model will be an important factor as well.


Keith Poole
Human Resources Supervisor

City of Phoenix | Human Resources - Talent Acquisition
251 West Washington Street, 3rd floor
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Direct 602-262-7140
Fax 602-534-5498
keith.poole at phoenix.gov<mailto:first.last at phoenix.gov>

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