[IPAC-List] Computer or Online Administered Job Analysis Questionnaires

Brack, Frederick Frederick.Brack at nyct.com
Thu Feb 16 09:26:28 EST 2017

Does anyone have any experience, insight, or lessons learned, with using online or computer-administered Job Analysis Questionnaires?  We are considering using a vendor named Qualtrics based on the results of a pilot study, which seemed to work well and elicited positive reactions from participants.
The way we administered the pilot survey was we had one of our Test & Measurement Specialists administer a modified, shorter version of a typical JAQ survey to a small group of incumbents at their offices using their desktop computers, so we could walk the employees through the Job Analysis process and ensure they understood the purpose of the questionnaires and the end-result, e.g.  a list of KSA's with importance and frequency ratings and a test blueprint.
At times we have had resistance from a highly unionized mostly blue-collar workforce to filling out lengthy, paper-based questionnaires, even when we are paying them overtime to do it. Some of the advantages of computer-administered Job Analysis Questionnaires are easier survey development & revision, user-friendly survey administration (for the employees with computer proficiency), and the ability to compile, analyze and report results quickly.
Fred Brack
MTA New York City Transit
Personnel, Testing, Selection & Classification
180 Livingston Street, Room 4070
Frederick.Brack at NYCT.com<mailto:Frederick.Brack at NYCT.com>

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